The Rules and Forms Committee of the Superior Court of California, County of Orange, has proposed revisions to the Local Rules of Court. Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 10.613, the Court invites you to comment on the following proposed changes to the local rules. If approved, the proposed changes will be effective January 1, 2019.
Revised Local Rule 180 – Photographing, Recording and Broadcasting in Court. The proposed revisions will allow the public to use their own cameras or other photographic equipment (e.g. cell phones) to photograph publicly available documents in the clerk’s office or at a court kiosk and only permit public access to view and/or photograph trial exhibits if there is a signed court order.
New Local Rule 185 – Civil Appellate Brief Electronic Service Pilot Project. The proposed rule will allow the court to conduct a one-year pilot project consenting to accept electronic mail service of civil case appeal briefs filed in the appellate court.
New Local Rule 603.07 – Request for Bond Waiver. The proposed rule will enable the court to make better informed decisions when determining whether a request for waiver of bond for an appointed personal representative should be granted.
Attached please find copies of the proposed revised and new rules, which are also posted on the Superior Court’s website at Invitation to Comment. A comment form is attached to download and submit comments by paper format, it is also available online. All comments concerning a proposed rule must be submitted no later than 12:00 p.m. on Monday, October 1, 2018.
Comments submitted by U.S. mail should be directed to:
Honorable Ronald Bauer
Chair, Rules and Forms Committee
Superior Court, County of Orange
P. O. Box 1994
Santa Ana, CA 92702-1994
A hard copy of any proposed rule is available upon request.
Please contact me if you require additional information.
Best Regards,
Sheri A. Bull
Lead Staff, Rules and Forms Committee
Judicial Assistance Group (JAG)
P: 657-622-7872