Dear HBA Member,
The 2019 Dinner Committee and the Board of Directors are accepting nominations for the following awards which will be presented at the OCHBA's 41st Annual Scholarship Fundraiser & Installation Dinner on Saturday, March 9, 2019:
- Attorney of the Year Award
- Guardián de Justicia Award
- Corporate Citizen Award
- Hon. Francisco Briseño Lifetime Achievement Award
The Criteria for The HBA Installation & Scholarship Dinner Awards are as follows:
The Hispanic Bar Association Attorney of the Year Award recognizes an outstanding Orange County attorney who has made a significant contribution to the legal community and/or has enhanced the quality of life of the Latino community. This attorney has demonstrated a long-term commitment to and involvement in the community; has used the legal profession to protect the rights of others, or whose contribution has expanded the educational and professional opportunities for Latinos.
The Hispanic Bar Association Guardián de Justicia Award recognizes an outstanding community member who has dedicated his or her life to protecting the rights of others and encouraging civic responsibility. This individual has worked tirelessly to encourage and empower the Latino community and whose commitment to justice is a model for others to follow.
The Hispanic Bar Association Hon. Francisco Briseño Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes a remarkable individual who has demonstrated a lifelong commitment to enhancing the quality of life of our community. This individual is a pioneer in his/her own right and has given generously of his/her time and talent to the community. He/she has been a model for others to emulate and without whom the world would be a very different place.
The Hispanic Bar Association Corporate Citizen Award recognizes a corporation or entity that is leading the way in terms of corporate responsibility. This corporation or entity continues to make significant contributions to the Latino community and is an industry leader in increasing diversity within their industry. This corporation or entity is committed to these values and believes diversity is the catalyst for long-term economic sustainability.
Please send your nomination(s), including the reasons for your nomination(s), to no later than October 5, 2018. To learn more about Past Honorees and other Annual Dinner information, please visit our website at
We look forward to hearing from you.

Yolanda V. Torres
2018 President-Elect
Chair, 2019 Dinner Committee