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  • 31 Oct 2018 12:16 AM | OCHBA Administrator (Administrator)

    The HBA congratulates Past President Maurice Sanchez on his appointment to a judgeship in the Orange County Superior Court. We wish Mr. Sanchez the very best on his journey to judgeship in the Orange County Superior Court!

    From the Governor's press release:

    Maurice Sanchez, 62, of Coto de Caza, has been appointed to a judgeship in the Orange County Superior Court. Sanchez has been a partner at Nelson, Mullins, Riley and Scarborough since 2017. He was a partner at Baker and Hostetler from 2005 to 2017, a shareholder at Alvarado, Smith and Sanchez from 1993 to 2005 and managing counsel at Mazda Motor of America Inc. from 1991 to 1993. Sanchez was senior counsel at Hyundai Motor America from 1986 to 1991 and an associate at Rutan and Tucker from 1981 to 1986. He earned a Juris Doctor degree from the University of California, Berkeley School of Law and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, Irvine. He fills the vacancy created by the conversion of a court commissioner position on August 28, 2018. Sanchez is registered without party preference.
  • 30 Oct 2018 8:06 PM | OCHBA Administrator (Administrator)

    The HBA congratulates Michael E. Perez on his appointment to a judgeship in the Orange County Superior Court. The HBA Judicial Evaluation Committee interviewed Mr. Perez and the Board endorsed his application for appointment. We wish Mr. Perez the very best on his journey to judgeship in the Orange County Superior Court!
    From the Governor's press release:

    Michael E. Perez, 51, of San Clemente, has been appointed to a judgeship in the Orange County Superior Court. Perez has served as an assistant public defender at the Orange County Public Defender's Office since 2015, where he was a deputy public defender from 1997 to 2015 and a law clerk from 1996 to 1997. Perez earned a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Southern California School of Law and a Bachelor of Science degree from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. He fills the vacancy created by the conversion of a court commissioner position on August 28, 2018. Perez is a Democrat.

    Darrell P. White
    Kimura London & White LLP
    3 Park Plaza, Suite 1520 | Irvine CA, 92614
    P 949.474.0940
    F 949.485.2946
    Beverly Hills - Irvine - New York City

  • 29 Oct 2018 11:40 PM | OCHBA Administrator (Administrator)

    Comments sought:
    New proposals have been posted to the California Courts web site, at
    Posted Under- Appellate and Criminal Tabs:
    Appellate Procedure: Appeals from Superior Court Decisions in Death Penalty–Related Habeas Corpus Proceedings
    Item Number: SP18-21
    Summary: The Proposition 66 Rules Working Group is proposing amendments to an existing rule relating to appeals from decisions in habeas corpus proceedings and the adoption of several new rules and a form specifically addressing appeals from superior court decisions on death penalty–related habeas corpus petitions. These proposed rules and the form are intended to partially fulfill the Judicial Council’s rule-making obligations under Proposition 66 by establishing procedures for this new type of appeal.
    Deadline to submit comments: Monday, November 19 at 5:00 pm.
    Criminal Procedure: Superior Court Procedures for Death Penalty–Related Habeas Corpus Proceedings
    Item Number: SP18-22
    Summary: The Proposition 66 Rules Working Group is proposing the adoption of six new rules of court relating to superior court procedures for death penalty–related habeas corpus proceedings. These proposed rules are intended to partially fulfill the Judicial Council’s rule-making obligations under Proposition 66 by establishing procedures for the superior courts’ new responsibility for this type of proceeding.  
    Deadline to submit comments: Monday, November 19 at 5:00 pm.

  • 15 Oct 2018 5:07 PM | OCHBA Administrator (Administrator)

    Comments sought:
    This e-mail is to inform you that new proposals have been posted to the California Courts web site, at
    Criminal -Item Number: SP18-19
    Criminal Procedure: Multicounty Incarceration and Supervision

    Summary: Senate Bill 670 (Jackson; Stats. 2017, ch. 287) amended Penal Code section 1170(h),1 effective January 1, 2018, to require courts to determine the county or counties of incarceration and supervision for defendants when imposing judgments concurrent or consecutive to another judgment or judgments previously imposed under section 1170(h) in another county or counties. SB 670 also amended section 1170.3, to require the Judicial Council to adopt rules of court providing criteria for trial judges to consider at the time of sentencing when determining the county or counties of incarceration and supervision. This proposal would implement section 1170.3 by amending California Rules of Court, rule 4.452, to guide the second or subsequent court when determining the county or counties of supervision. The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes amendments to rule 4.452 to make it consistent with statutory changes and to incorporate further substantive changes suggested by commenters when this proposal circulated previously.
    Deadline to Submit comments: Friday, November 9 at 5:00 pm.
    Traffic-Item Number: SP18-20
    Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules: 2019 Edition

    Summary: The Traffic Advisory Committee proposes revisions to the Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules, 2019 Edition, to become effective January 1, 2019. The 2019 proposal includes: (1) recommendations based on new legislation, as required under Vehicle Code section 40310 and Penal Code section 1269b, (2) recommended changes to the Fish and Game Schedule by the Department of Fish and Wildlife, and (3) miscellaneous technical additions and corrections.
    Deadline to Submit comments: Friday, October 26 at 5:00 pm.

  • 05 Oct 2018 9:40 AM | OCHBA Administrator (Administrator)

    1 Hour Ethics MCLE | Hosted by FLOC Sponsored by Judicate West

    • Tuesday, November 13, 2018
    • 5:30 PM 6:30 PM
    1851 E First St #1600 Santa Ana, CA 92705

  • 03 Oct 2018 9:38 AM | OCHBA Administrator (Administrator)

    The Orange County Bar Association Presents


    Legal Aid Society of Orange County • OC Collaborative Courts • Public Law Center
    1.0 General CLE Credit

    Reception: 5:30 pm • CLE Event: 6:00 pm
    Orange County Bar Association • 4101 Westerly Place, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (Free Parking)

    Register Here


    Come hear from some of Orange County’s leaders in pro bono work!
    Topics will include:

    • Why doing pro bono is important
    • What you and your firm can get out of pro bono work
    • Current trends in pro bono work
    • Types of pro bono opportunities available
    • What to expect in doing pro bono work and how to get started

    $10* for OCBA Members
    $20* for Non-OCBA Members
    (Price Includes Dinner and 1.0 General CLE Credit)


    Hon. Mary Kreber Varipapa
    Orange County Superior Court

    Kenneth W. Babcock
    Executive Director & General Counsel
    Public Law Center

    John B. Hurlbut, Jr.
    Partner, Rutan & Tucker, LLP

    Kate Marr
    Executive Director
    Legal Aid Society of Orange County

    Pro Bono Committee Program Co-Chairs:

    • Larisa M. Dinsmoor (OC Public Defender’s Office)
    • Daniel S. Robinson (Robinson Calcagnie, Inc.)

    Register online at

    For more information about CLE seminars, visit or call the OCBA Education Dept. at 949-440-6700, ext. 125.

  • 01 Oct 2018 6:57 PM | OCHBA Administrator (Administrator)

    Comments sought:
    This e-mail is to inform you that new proposals have been posted to the California Courts web site, at
    Legislative Proposals-Item Number: SP18-17
    Judicial Council –Sponsored Legislation: Civil Discovery Tiers
    Summary: This legislative proposal from the Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee would provide for new discovery provisions for general civil cases, setting up three civil case tiers based on the complexity of the     case, with each tier having different discovery requirements and limitations. The goal of the proposal is to make discovery more proportional to the value and nature of claims in a case. The proposal is based on the recommendations of the Commission on the Future of California’s Court System.
    Deadline to Submit comments: Friday, October 19 at 5:00 pm.
    Judicial Administration-Item Number: SP18-18
    Telephonic Appearances: Change in the Fee Amount
    Summary: The Judicial Branch Budget Committee proposes amending rule 3.670(k)(1) of the California Rules of Court to increase the fee to appear by telephone in civil cases from $86 to $94, effective January 1, 2019. The new fee will apply to the balance of the four-year term of the master agreement for telephone appearance services that was recently entered into with CourtCall LLC. The fee increase reflects the estimated increase in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for the term of the agreement.
    Deadline to Submit comments: Monday, October 15 at 5:00 pm.
    You are welcome to distribute this to any other interested parties.
    If you have any questions, please contact Benita Downs, at, or at 415-865-7957.

  • 20 Sep 2018 10:21 AM | OCHBA Administrator (Administrator)

  • 16 Sep 2018 10:02 PM | OCHBA Administrator (Administrator)

    Dear HBA Member,
    The 2019 Dinner Committee and the Board of Directors are accepting nominations for the following awards which will be presented at the OCHBA's 41st Annual Scholarship Fundraiser & Installation Dinner on Saturday, March 9, 2019:

    • Attorney of the Year Award
    • Guardián de Justicia Award
    • Corporate Citizen Award
    • Hon. Francisco Briseño Lifetime Achievement Award

    The Criteria for The HBA Installation & Scholarship Dinner Awards are as follows:

    The Hispanic Bar Association Attorney of the Year Award recognizes an outstanding Orange County attorney who has made a significant contribution to the legal community and/or has enhanced the quality of life of the Latino community. This attorney has demonstrated a long-term commitment to and involvement in the community; has used the legal profession to protect the rights of others, or whose contribution has expanded the educational and professional opportunities for Latinos.

    The Hispanic Bar Association Guardián de Justicia Award recognizes an outstanding community member who has dedicated his or her life to protecting the rights of others and encouraging civic responsibility. This individual has worked tirelessly to encourage and empower the Latino community and whose commitment to justice is a model for others to follow.

    The Hispanic Bar Association Hon. Francisco Briseño Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes a remarkable individual who has demonstrated a lifelong commitment to enhancing the quality of life of our community. This individual is a pioneer in his/her own right and has given generously of his/her time and talent to the community. He/she has been a model for others to emulate and without whom the world would be a very different place.

    The Hispanic Bar Association Corporate Citizen Award recognizes a corporation or entity that is leading the way in terms of corporate responsibility. This corporation or entity continues to make significant contributions to the Latino community and is an industry leader in increasing diversity within their industry. This corporation or entity is committed to these values and believes diversity is the catalyst for long-term economic sustainability.
    Please send your nomination(s), including the reasons for your nomination(s), to no later than October 5, 2018.  To learn more about Past Honorees and other Annual Dinner information, please visit our website at
    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Yolanda V. Torres
    2018 President-Elect
    Chair, 2019 Dinner Committee

  • 15 Sep 2018 9:01 PM | OCHBA Administrator (Administrator)

    This e-mail is to inform you that a new proposal has been posted to the California Courts web site, at
    ·         SP18-16- Judicial Administration
               Judicial Council: Judicial Branch Budget Committee
    (adopt rule 10.15; amend rules 10.10, 10.11, 10.13, and 10.16)
    You are welcome to distribute this to any other interested parties. The deadline for comment is 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 9, 2018.

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